Har-1702 multiflex Zinta chains.doc serie

Azalpen laburra:

Pitch:50.0(mm) Shaft diameter:8.0(mm) Thickness:25.0(mm) Working load:4000(N) The material of the Multiflex conveyor chains are POM and all of them have a transport direction of flexibility, low coefficient of friction and has long lifetime. The characters of the products are easily installation and maintenance and high mechanical strength as well as excellent product handling. Besides, All-Ka Multiflex conveyor chains normally in food cans, glass products, milk cartons, as well as the br...

  • Brand: Hairise
  • Feature: Heat resistant
  • Application: Food,beverage ,can and bottle conveying
  • Buisiness Type: Manufacturer
  • Advantages: High strength and high load capacity design ect.
  • Remark: Customized dimensions all can be accepted by our factory (Furrow,Adjustable,Normal)
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    Produktuen Tags

    Pitch: 50,0 (mm)

    Shaft diametroa: 8,0 (mm)

    Lodiera: 25,0 (mm)

    Lan karga: 4000 (N)


    the Multiflex CONVEYOR kate materiala POM dira eta denak garraio malgutasuna, marruskadura-koefizientea baxua norabidea dute eta bizitza luzea dauka. produktuen Pertsonaiak dira erraz instalazioa eta mantenimendua eta erresistentzia mekanikoa baita bikaina produktuaren manipulazioa. Gainera, All-Ka Multiflex CONVEYOR kateak normalean janaria latak, beira produktuak, esnea kartoiak, baita ogia transmititzeko. desberdinak mota zure baldintza gisa eskuragarri izan daiteke, beraz, betiere didazu bezala marrazkia edo zehaztapen zehatza, dena ongi. Beraz All-Ka edozein bezeroaren baldintza egokitzeko produktuak ditu.

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