Hairise easy detachable screw modular belt conveyor

Cur síos achomair:

Hairise spiral conveyor can save space and increase throughput with Hairise spiral conveyors and other vertical conveying machines. Besides Hairse spiral conveyor have dynamic buffers which can be used to provide dynamic storage where products need time for cooling, drying or curing. Additional dynamic buffer storage capacity can be obtained by adding pairs of spirals. Specification Sheets:

  • Brand: Hairise
  • Feature: Heat resistant
  • Application: Food,beverage ,can and bottle conveying
  • Buisiness Type: Manufacturer
  • Advantages: High strength and high load capacity design ect.
  • Remark: Customized dimensions all can be accepted by our factory (Furrow,Adjustable,Normal)
  • Sonraigh Táirge

    Táirge Clibeanna

    Is féidir le conveyor bíseach Hairise spás a shábháil agus tréchur a mhéadú le iompróirí bíseach Hairise agus meaisíní a iompar eile ingearach.

    Chomh maith le conveyor bíseach Hairse ní mór maoláin dinimiciúil ar féidir a úsáid chun a stóráil dinimiciúil a chur ar fáil nuair is gá ar tháirgí ama le haghaidh fuaraithe, triomú nó curing. Is féidir le toilleadh stórála Maolán dinimiciúil breise a fháil trí péirí cora chun donais i chur leis.

    Bileoga Sonraíocht:

    conveyor Bíseach

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