Screw Roller Conveyor

Deskripsi Singkat:

Hairise roller conveyors are a cost effective way for moving boxes and pallets. We offer custom designs. Select the drive concept (gravity, tangential chain, or motorized roller) that is optimal for your application. All systems are available as straights and curves. A broad assortment of roller types ensures a roller conveyor concept adapted to your requirements. Dimensions – Technical Data Conveyor width W: 500 and 1000mm Conveyor length: Custom Roller Power: Motorized or Nonmotorize...

  • Brand: Hairise
  • Feature: Heat resistant
  • Application: Food,beverage ,can and bottle conveying
  • Buisiness Type: Manufacturer
  • Advantages: High strength and high load capacity design ect.
  • Remark: Customized dimensions all can be accepted by our factory (Furrow,Adjustable,Normal)
  • Rincian produk

    Tags produk

    rol conveyor Hairise adalah cara efektif biaya untuk kotak dan palet bergerak. Kami menawarkan desain khusus. Pilih konsep drive (gravitasi, rantai tangensial, atau roller bermotor) yang optimal untuk aplikasi Anda. Semua sistem yang tersedia sebagai lurus dan kurva. Sebuah beragam luas jenis rol memastikan konsep rol conveyor disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan Anda.

    Dimensi - Data Teknis

    • lebar conveyor W: 500 dan 1000mm
    • Panjang Conveyor: Custom
    • Roller Power: Bermotor atau Nonmotorized
    • Roller Thickess: 1.2mm-2mm
    • Roller Bahan: SS, Carbon Steel
    • Drive & kecepatan: untuk v = 30 m / min
    • Mendorong versi: AC


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