How to repair the modular belt


One of the great advantages of a plastic modular belt is that it is fast and easy to repair – and there’s no need for expensive tools. A modular belt is made up of separate modules that are assembled in a specific pattern and connected to each other with rods. If a module or flight is damaged, it is easy to take out and exchange: just remove two rods, replace the module or flight, and insert the pins again. The only thing you need to worry about is using the correct module. Spare modules can be kept in stock for this, but we also advise that you keep a section of belt in stock. If there is a larger area of damage, it is faster to replace a belt section.

How to process?

This can be done in a few minutes by your own company technical personnel. There is no need to call a HAIRISE service technician – though off course, HAIRISE technician could also do it for you if necessary. By using a screw driver or a rod puller you can easily remove the rod. Push the head as shown towards the side and lift it out of the belt.

With a traditional fabric belt, damage usually has bigger consequences. If the damage can be repaired at all, a press is often required, and if a new piece of belt is needed to replace the damaged section, there must be two joints, which must be prepared on site. A specialist  HAIRISE  technician, with the necessary tools and equipment, will be required.

For details please contact with HAIRISE, Our sales department and technical department will give your professional suggestions.

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