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Lantech, Model C300, automatic case erector, bottom sealer. Rated from 1 to 10 cases per minute – depending on materials, application and machine configuration. Case size range: 7-7/8″ to 19-5/8″ in Length; 5-7/8″” to 13-¾” in Width; 5-7/8″ to 20-¾” in Height. Equipped with 52″ long powered case magazine, (6) suction cup case pick-in-place, dual 35″ long x 4″ wide side belt case assist conveyor belts with a 25″ discharge height and 2″ wide bottom tape head. Mounted on base frame with height adjustable legs.
OAD: 85″ L x 88″ W x 61″ H
Post time: Jun-15-2017