Making Oil and Milking, 1940s – Film 18461

Making oil from seeds, possibly linseed oil manufacture. Dairy farm.

The film starts with a small scale demonstration of the processes involved in extracting oil from seeds – a man in a white laboratory coat (we only see his hands) stands behind a work table and empties a bag of seeds onto a wooden tray, evening out the contents with his hands. He then gets a large knife and starts to chop up the seeds. The film jumps to the next stage of the gradual mashing up of the beans as the man continues to go over them with the blade, he picks up a handful of the material and rubs it in his hand. Film fades to the seeds as a pile of coarse powder, he picks up a handful again to illustrate the texture.
Wide shot of the man standing behind the table as the next stage of the process begins – he empties the contents of the wooden tray onto another one wrapped in muslin, he careful folds the cloth around the tray, leaves it on the table and walks over to an iron pressing machine, he unwinds it, puts a bottle under its tap, walks back over to the table and picks up the muslin wrapped tray and puts it into the press. A closer shot of the press sees him turning and tightening the pressure on the seeds. The bottle standing underneath the press’s tap starts to fill with oil being excreted by the seeds., the man bends down and replaces the bottle with a glass, lifts the bottle up to his own height and turns its contents to illustrate the new product created.

The next stage of the film follows the same basic processes but on an industrial scale – A man slices several sacks of seeds open with a knife, spilling the contents out into a machine below. Seeds rushing down a shoot onto a conveyor belt. View further down the conveyor belt as the contents is processed through the machinery. Seeds falling over a ridged surface further on, becoming more pummeled. A man stands looking at metal rollers as the seeds come through, he holds his hand underneath and collects a few in his hand. Close up of the partially processed seeds in his hand, he throws them back. Close view of large paddles moving in a circular direction through coarsely pummeled seeds looking powdery. Two men wearing vests and shorts working in the oven room and pressing process workshop. They quickly removes a large tray of seeds from the industrial oven, wraps them in fabric and one of the men takes the tray over to a press which is stacked with several seed trays of the same kind. They continue the same process – closer view of the trays being removed from the oven door and another batch slid in. One of the men retrieves an empty tray, beings it back to the man by the oven and they repeat the action. Wider view of the factory floor with several other men at work in the hot room. Back to a view of the presses, one man fills up the las empty space in the stack and then turns a handle which starts an electric pressing motion rather than manual turning. Close view of a piston looking cylinder pushing upwards from the floor, squeezing the trays above. View of the trays being squeezed. Closer view of the side of the machine as oil starts to spill out and down. The liquid pooling on the floor below. Close up of a tap with liquid pouring out through a mesh. The floor manager, wearing a hat, is given a bottle of the liquid product by a man from the factory floor. Closer view of the manager as he holds the bottle of clear liquid up to his face and swills it around. Exterior of manufacturing plant with large silos, presumably storing the seeds or oil.

Milking – several cows grazing in fields, a man in a white apron stands up among them, he’s been sitting milking one of the animals, he walks over to a different cow with his pales and stool. Closer view of him sitting squeezing the milk into a bucket. Wider view as he stands up and puts his bucket and stool aside. A young woman wearing dungarees and carrying a bottle with a funnel walks out of a barn. She walks up to the farmer and holds out the bottle for him to pour the milk into, which he then does. He holds up the bottle of milk and swills it around a little then hands it back to the woman who walks away with it.

Post time: Jul-15-2017

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