For uniform frying of coated and uncoated poultry, meat, seafood, vegetables and other prepared foods, Heat and Control’s MasterTherm fryer uses a unique U-tube heat exchanger to evenly heat cooking oil throughout the fryer. A small volume of thermal fluid rapidly circulates through the heat exchanger to maintain a consistent cooking temperature and quickly adjust to changes in product load. Uniform heating also eliminates oil currents which force product to one side of the fryer, causing coating
damage and uneven transfer to inspection and packaging operations.
The MasterTherm heat exchanger is designed for durability and simple sanitation. Generous spacing between the tubes facilitates cleaning and eliminates restricted areas where fines can accumulate and cause overheating of the heat transfer tubes.
Each U-tube expands independently, greatly reducing thermal stress and potential damage.
MasterTherm features an adjustable feed conveyor to handle breaded and non-coated product, or to drop batter-coated products into the oil. Available in lengths from
10 to 32 feet, MasterTherm can be ordered with multiple temperature zones, a variety of product conveyors, stack heat recovery, and continuous fines removal systems.
Post time: May-05-2017