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Vande Berg Scales will use only top quality stainless steel, high quality epoxy painted steel, sealed load cells and food grade belting to manufacture your plants equipment. We put a high priority on meeting the strict wash down and chemical requirements you need to assure your plants safety is not breached. What would reduced labor costs and increased weighing accuracy in your plants food or general industrial distribution applications do for your plants ROI? Vande Berg Scales gives you a continuous process weighing dynamic conveyor scale that can be used for product sortation and/or data collection. Our In-Motion Conveyor Scale is NTEP Approved as well as being approved by Measurement Canada. This scale weighs individual products that can be raw or packaged and is specifically designed for the harsh environments and wash-down conditions of the food industries. This conveyor scale can be easily integrated with other systems components such as classifying, sortation, and automated box labeling systems. The conveyor scale integrates into the host computer system of the facility for data transmission, traceability, and management reporting. Our conveyor scales come in several standard sizes, and can be customized to meet your specific needs. See why our conveyor scales help your plant reduce labor costs and increase weighing accuracy for your packaged or unpackaged product applications. Features: · In-motion weighing of space individual products · Self-powered isolated scale conveyor design · Fully automatic weigh cycle triggering from photo eyes · Stainless steel or optional steel construction · Wide range of available belt speeds to suit your applications · Three phase motor standard designed for use with VFD · Multiple pound capacities at .1 lb increment · Multiple widths between 6 36 inches · Multiple lengths between 12 60 inches · Intralox Series 1100 direct contact open closed belt · 1 UHMW bed for maximum belt support and scale accuracy · Smooth belt driven design · Cross braced 1 ½ stainless steel angle frame for superior support and rigidity · + 3 adjustable legs standard · Single load cell design for simpler calibration and operation.
Contact us today at 712.722.1181, by email: [email protected], or visit or
Post time: Jun-15-2017